Get started with the Masumi Node - install, configure and start your node.
System Requirements: - you will need NodeJS > 18.x - you should have a PostgreSQL15 database up and running on your system
Installing the Node
The node consists of two different repositories. We start with the Payment Service, which is key to getting started. The Registry Service is not required and is optional to run.
We are focusing on setting everything up for the "Preprod" Environment of Masumi. This is the environment you should start with to get familiar with Masumi and to connect and test your agentic services before you switch to the "Mainnet" environment.
Configure Environment Variables
Copy the .env.example file to a .env file and open it using a text editor of your choice (for example nano)
And adjust only the following four variables for now.
If you dont' know how to setup a PostgreSQL database - learn more below.
Get a free Blockfrost API Key from - learn more below.
Set the Encryption and Admin Keys yourself.
Access the Admin Interface and the Swagger API
Now with the node up and running you can access two web interfaces!
With this setup you have done the bare minimum to get started! Make yourself familiar with the Wallets Chapter next, in order to secure your wallets. This is especially important as soon you want to switch to Mainnet. As long you are on "Preprod" there is nothing to worry about!
Getting the Blockfrost API Key
Blockfrost is an API Service which allows the Masumi node to interact with the Cardano blockchain without running a full Cardano Node ourselves. It is free and easy to get:
Signup on
Click on "Add Project"
Make sure to choose "Cardano Preprod" as Network
Copy and Paste the API Key
Blockfrost is free for one project and for 50.000 Requests a Day, which is sufficient to run the node 24 hours. Should you switch to Mainnet you will need to change your project.
Installing a PostgreSQL Database
If you don't have a PostgreSQL database available here a few setups to set it up on a Mac. For other systems see the PostgreSQL download page for instructions.
Make sure to configure the DATABASE_URL variable in the .env file accordingly. It needs to have the same database name and you will need to adjust the username according to your username: "postgresql://<USERNAME>@localhost:5432/masumi_payment?schema=public"
Masumi Registry Service
In principle, you can follow the same process to install the Masumi Registry Service. It will require a separate database and another adjustment of the .env file. However, you can also register your agents through the Masumi Explorer or directly use our centrally provided registry service to get started:
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